Salve Goes to India
I first encountered "Super Healing Salve" on a Tuesday afternoon just over a year ago. I had been cleaning in the kitchen and cut myself on the sharp spot of a tea kettle. I went to the farmer's market and Jen Elden was there, noticed the cut and offered to put some salve on it. Honestly, I didn't really give it another thought and just thought it was a nice gesture. However, the next day, I discovered that the cut was already healing and didn't hurt anymore. I was astounded because I had never had an experience like that with any other product, not even with "medicine ointments". I decided right then that this was to be a vital part of my "medicine bag" that I would be taking to India in just 2 weeks. I called Jen and requested to buy several containers of Super Healing Salve to take with me to India. I used the salve for everything from hang nails to serious wounds; always seeing "miraculous" results. I wished I had taken more with me and gave it to everyone I encountered who had a need. I have told all my friends about it and have given it to loved ones; they all had the same experiences and wanted to know where they could get more. They also told their friends and have been giving it away. I still use salve at every opportunity as needed for cuts, scrapes and burns. It works! What an incredible product! --Laree Carlson, R.N.
Comments (1 Comment)
I have had the same experience with the healing salve – I also use it daily around my eyes to remove any leftover mascara or makeup after using cleansing cloths. It is so very sothing around my eyes and with the aide of a q-tip completely removes any trace of eyemakeup so very gently.
Posted by Nana on November 20, 2011
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